Sunday, November 15, 2020

Alice In Wonderland


Few days back me, my niece and her mom were chit chatting on random topics. Suddenly she mentioned about her project which is based on imagination as well as has to be related to topics she is learning this academic year. The topic was something like how the world would look like after 30 years. That topic kept running in my thoughts and suddenly this came to my mind. It goes like this.

I would be sitting in front of computer, phone or any communicating device chatting with some of my friend/relative who is residing in the other part of this world. Suddenly I will feel like having something which is with her or she will feel like having something which is with me. It can be some book, eatery or craft piece. I would be informing her the same. Suddenly she would connect a device to our communicating device. She would perform some operation like compression (as of now I don’t know what it would be called) on the new device connected and within few minutes of operation/sequence of operation you would get a miniature form of what you wanted which can be sent through the same device to the connected person. The person at the receiving end would now decompress (reverse operation of whatever was done earlier to get the miniature one) and get the original form of the thing which was required.

I know for people who are reading this might think I have gone crazy. But these crazy thoughts are which makes life interesting and moving. Had we ever thought of flying from one part to another part of world until airplanes were invented? Had we ever thought we would be able to communicate (audio & visual) with a person who is living in another part of this world where even the time zone is different? These were all crazy thoughts of some people which have become a reality today.

Friday, November 6, 2020

Patriarch or Feminism


Nowadays we come across lot of divorce cases, women living separated etc. And most of us including we women call them feminist, career focused etc. But have we ever thought of what they are going through or why were they forced to live in a situation that they have chosen today? I see most of our elder generation women including my mother, mother in law etc. tolerating all bullying (physical /mental), accusations. They chose/choose to keep quiet thinking that is all part of their life. This can even include lack of education, or some of old generation thoughts like

  1. Her marital house is everything once she is married off. So, no matter what she can’t chose to go back to her own parental home.
  2. Men are superior to us. They are capable & have right to do anything as they wish. Women are supposed to forgive their men even if it includes cheating on their wives.
  3. Women considering themselves weak and they need support of a man for their wellbeing.
A home maker is the one who works selflessly. She is available 24x7. She has time for everyone & everything except for her own. She is not given salary. When she is hurt by other family members, she chooses to keep quiet or rather cry in some corner of the house whenever she is alone. The important decisions of the family are taken in her absence even if it is about her own children. She is the person who comes to know at last. But everyone in the family expects her to be best daughter, best daughter in law, best mother. But nobody considers her as a best friend or sometimes fail to consider that she too is a human being with soft heart. And even when she tries to speak up once in her lifetime she is labelled as feminist.

But women today are very well educated & are financially independent. They speak up for their rights. That’s why they choose to divorce/live separately. Now because of the impact of social media, we all come to know and when we look around, it seems there are a lot of similar cases. Is that the reason why they are called feminist?

I’m not a person who believe that men & women are equal. Each gender has its own importance & significance. Both are required to maintain the balance. A man can only build a house, but it is the woman who make it a home. A man is strong physically, but a woman is strong emotionally. I don’t demand for equal rights, but I just expect her to be respected for who & whatever she is. Nature itself shows the respect towards the gender. It moves forward on reproduction. And for reproduction man & woman are equally required.

My belief is that the reason for all the suffering of a woman is because of the age-old system of patriarchy. The patriarchal system has made us to believe that male is superior. Even most of the crimes against women happening all over India especially northern parts is due to this belief.

Monday, November 2, 2020

Blooming Buds


Life is not a race or a competition. We have only one life. So live it to the fullest & allow others too. The most fascinating & amazing part of human life is his/her childhood. Experiences & lessons from childhood make him/her the adult we see later on. Your child is not an estranged wealth (paraya dhan) or old age support system (budhape ki lathi). He/she is not your means to pursue your dreams either. Teach him/her to be a human being. Spend your quality time with him/her for that instead of running behind making his/her life secured. Your time is the most priceless thing which you can gift your kid. Allow him/her to fall and stand up by himself/herself. Your role as a parent is just to make sure that he/she stands up after that fall. That is the best you can do. Just nurture him/her till he/she becomes a responsible adult. Treat your child as a separate individual. Your child is like a creeper plant. He/she just needs support to grow. But the way you support, will be the nature of an adult in him/her.

Let him/her enjoy his/her childhood playing & socializing thereby learning a lot of lessons himself/herself which will help him/her in future. Let him/her be naughty. As a parent, you too sit back and enjoy those moments. Those moments would be gone as they grow up and long before you realize it. Meantime you can find out their interest in the time you spend with them and try to develop that talent without feeling them pressurized. Parents are always right. They choose the right most and best thing for their kid. But my parents went wrong for their kid. Even few of my friend’s parents have gone wrong. So please don’t do that same mistake with your kid. Don’t force them too much on something even if it’s their interest.  Forcing them too much might create aversion rather than a passion. He/she will learn foreign language, programming etc. in later phase of his/her life which he/she has to anyways learn to shape up his/her profession. But building a human being is not possible once he/she grows up. If it is a son teach him to respect others especially woman/girls so that he would not only commit mistakes, but also makes sure others too don’t. And if it is a girl educate her & train her in self defense skills like Karate, Tae Kwon Do etc. Teach him/her to be a compassionate, loving, caring & an empathetic human being. Our world is running short of human beings, not professionals. Punish them when they are wrong or when they behave wrong. But punishment also should be in such a way to make them realize what they did was wrong. Punishment should not be a means to vent out your anger & frustration.